The Leader’s Guide includes:

– Facilitator guide
– Six Lessons
– Answer Key

The Priest, Prophet, King Study Program presents the Old Testament foreshadowing of each of Jesus’ three offices as priest, prophet and king and then describes how Jesus is the fulfillment of each as seen in the New Testament.

The six lessons are as follows:
1. Adoratio: Adam as Priest
2. The High Priest
3. Challenging False Worship: Elijah the Prophet
4. The Word Made Flesh
5. Ordering the Kingdom: King David
6. King of Kings

Each small group discussion leader should have the leader’s guide and each participant should have his/her own copy of the study guide.
A complete session plan and other program advice is outlined in the facilitator’s guide, which is part of the leader’s guide. Each DVD segment is 20 minutes long and the discussion should be planned for 60-70 minutes, so each lesson can be covered in a total of 90 minutes.


The Catholic Faith is not about myths or legends, symbols or literary devices. It’s about an encounter so overwhelming that you want to tell the whole world. It is an encounter with Jesus Christ. Throughout history the call of Christ has sent people to the corners of the earth with a message of great joy, a message that has built civilizations, inspired cultures and even sent some to prisons and to their graves.

We have the same call — that’s the New Evangelization.

This new documentary series from Bishop Barron’s Word on Fire continues the story of CATHOLICISM and explores the Church’s mission and the challenges of contemporary culture. With the original CATHOLICISM series, Bishop Barron took us on a journey around the world deep into the Faith. Now, experience this Faith in action in CATHOLICISM: The New Evangelization.

(A brief description of the six lessons contained in the study guide, produced to accompany the documentary series from Bishop Robert Barron, can be found here:)

Lesson OneIntroduction

“What is the New Evangelization?”, “Why is it worthwhile?”, and “How does one do it?” Bishop Barron explains how the concept of a “new” evangelization began to take shape in the second Vatican Council.

Lesson Two: New Ardor

New enthusiasm, new energy and renewal from Holy Spirit constitute “new ardor.” Bishop  Barron takes us behind the scenes at World Youth Day and shows us other energetic examples of new ardor. The deepest source of Christian ardor is the reality of the resurrection, which fuels us to actively reach out in love to others with the “Good News.”

Lesson ThreeNew Expressions—Part I
Lesson Four:  New Expressions—Part II

It’s not an expression of a different truth, but the same truth proclaimed and lived by Christ, that we have to express in a different cultural setting. Bishop Barron explains why secularism is on the rise:  Confusion about who and what God is; Trying to fill human longing for God with the temporal and materials things of this world; and Relativism that purports that there is no objective truth.

Lesson Five:   New Methods

Bishop Barron calls for “using the means and methods of our time to evangelize.” In today’s culture the Internet and social media plays a huge role. He encourages us all to use these new methods for the Lord.  We all can give testimony to Christ by the methods we use to communicate and by how we live each day.

Lesson Six: Faith in Action

The New Evangelization Formation Program includes a sixth workshop-style session that guides participants in developing their own new evangelization action plan, either as individuals or as a Catholic group/parish.  This section is based on selected clips from the interviews conducted for the series.


The Leader’s Guide to the CATHOLICISM: The New Evangelization Study Program includes:

1. The facilitator guide
2. Six student lessons
3. The answer key

A brief description of the six lessons can be found below:

Lesson OneIntroduction

“What is the New Evangelization?”, “Why is it worthwhile?”, and “How does one do it?” Bishop Barron explains how the concept of a “new” evangelization began to take shape in the second Vatican Council.

Lesson Two: New Ardor

New enthusiasm, new energy and renewal from Holy Spirit constitute “new ardor.” Bishop Barron takes us behind the scenes at World Youth Day and shows us other energetic examples of new ardor. The deepest source of Christian ardor is the reality of the resurrection, which fuels us to actively reach out in love to others with the “Good News.”

Lesson ThreeNew Expressions—Part I
Lesson Four:  New Expressions—Part II

It’s not an expression of a different truth, but the same truth proclaimed and lived by Christ, that we have to express in a different cultural setting. Bishop Barron explains why secularism is on the rise:  Confusion about who and what God is; Trying to fill human longing for God with the temporal and materials things of this world; and Relativism that purports that there is no objective truth.

Lesson Five:   New Methods

Bishop Barron calls for “using the means and methods of our time to evangelize.” In today’s culture the Internet and social media plays a huge role. He encourages us all to use these new methods for the Lord.  We all can give testimony to Christ by the methods we use to communicate and by how we live each day.

Lesson Six: Faith in Action

The New Evangelization Formation Program includes a sixth workshop-style session that guides participants in developing their own new evangelization action plan, either as individuals or as a Catholic group/parish.  This section is based on selected clips from the interviews conducted for the series.

Fr Barron THE MYSTERY OF GOD DVD Box Who God Is and Why He Matters

Atheism is on the rise. Skeptical thinkers like Richard Dawkins, Christopher Hitchens, and Sam Harris vigorously attack belief in God as irrational or, even worse, dangerous. The so-called New Atheism has attracted millions of young people thanks to bestselling books such as The God Delusion and God Is Not Great. How should Christians respond? How can we turn the tide of secularism and draw people back to God? You’ll discover how in “The Mystery of God,” a new six-part film series and study program by Fr. Robert Barron. The lessons reach into our rich intellectual tradition. Using the insights of St. Augustine, St. Thomas Aquinas, Pope Benedict XVI, you’ll uncover a clear yet sophisticated understanding of what we mean by “God”. Who is God? And why does he matter? Watch this series and you’ll not only learn the answers yourself, but you’ll discover how to share them with others – especially those who no longer believe. The DVDs provide options for Spanish dubbing and Spanish or English subtitles.


1) Atheism and what we mean by “God” – 21:04

2) The Paths to God – 20:27

3) The Divine Attributes – 23:50


1) Providence and the Problem of Evil – 28:26

2) Exploring the Trinity – 21:13

3) The God who is Love – 26:23


A companion guide for either the Eucharist DVD or CD, which will enhance your understanding of and interaction with Bishop Barron’s presentation on the most Holy Sacrament.

The Eucharist Study Guide can be used individually or as part of a group faith formation program. The program can be presented in five (90-minute) sessions.

The Study Guide is divided into five sections: an introduction, Eucharist as sacred mealsacrifice and the real presence (two sections). Each section provides four or five “Questions for Understanding” with references from Scripture and from the Catechism of the Catholic Church. Each section also provides four or five “Questions for Reflection,” which will help you reflect on how Father Barron’s message is relevant to your own life and experiences.

The study guide was written by Word on Fire staff members who also hold Theology degrees, Rozann Carter and Robert Mixa, under the guidance and approval of Bishop Robert Barron.


The Leader Guide includes:

-Facilitator guide
-Six sessions
-Answer key

Take a deeper look at the “source and summit” of our Faith, the Eucharist. Fr. Barron brings to light the Blessed Sacrament’s reality as a sacred meal, the sacrifice necessary for communion with God, and most importantly, as the Real Presence of Christ.

You can watch the Eucharist DVD and then probe more deeply into Bishop Barron’s message by using the companion Study Guide, which is divided into sections that correspond to each part of Bishop Barron’s presentation. The Study Guide was written by Word on Fire staff members who hold Theology degrees, Rozann Lee and Robert Mixa, under the direction and approval of Bishop Barron.

Each section provides “Questions for Understanding” based on the DVD presentation and references from Scripture and the Catechism of the Catholic Church, and “Questions for Reflection” that help you reflect on how the material is relevant to your own life and experience.

For group study, you can present the program in six  90-minute sessions. Each session includes DVD viewing and small group discussion of Study Guide questions.  Participants should prepare the questions on their own after viewing the DVD but before the small group discussion.


A companion guide for either the Seven Deadly Sins/Seven Lively Virtues study program, which will deepen your interaction with Bishop Barron’s popular presentation. The Seven Deadly Sins/Seven Lively Virtues study guide can be used individually or as part of a group faith formation program.

 The study guide is divided into eight lessons: an introduction and one section for each sin and its countervailing virtue. Each section provides four or five “Questions for Understanding” with references from Scripture and from the Catechism of the Catholic Church. Each section also provides four or five “Questions for Reflection,” which will help you reflect on how Bishop Barron’s message is relevant to your own life and experiences.


This study guide for the Conversion study program will enhance your understanding of Bishop Barron’s presentation on the lifelong process of conversion. It is divided into seven sections, which correspond to each section of Bishop Barron’s presentation.

 • Introduction

• Bartimaeus

• The Rich Young Man

• Matthew

• Jonah

• The Woman at the Well

• The Journey of the Magi

Each section provides four or five “Questions for Understanding,” which incorporate references from Scripture and from the Catechism of the Catholic Church. Each section also includes several “Questions for Reflection,” which help you reflect on how Bishop Barron’s message is relevant to your own life and experiences.

Fr Barron CONVERSION Following the Call of Christ DVD

The Conversion DVD showcases six stories of conversion from the Gospels as told by Father Robert Barron. The common theme in each story is the turning of all one’s attention and energy toward an ever deeper, personal relationship with Jesus Christ.

In his characteristically energetic style, Father Barron explains how conversion is not so much a one time event, but a life-long process. “Jesus Christ calls us in thousands of different ways to follow Him, as we strive on the path for spiritual excellence,” explains Father Barron. This talk demonstrates how six ordinary people, just like you, were met by Jesus where they were and called to a better life through Him.


The Leader Guide includes:

-Facilitator Guide

-Eight Sessions

-Answer Key

Our ultimate goal is to be a saint. It is our greatest calling and what is desired for us by our Creator.

 Bishop Robert Barron paints a beautiful and mysterious image of what it takes to be a follower of Jesus Christ. He lays out three intriguing paths to holiness:

 1. Finding the Center

2. Knowing You’re A Sinner

3. Realizing Your Life is Not About You

 He also shares practical approaches to enhance the journey along these three paths.